

Alex Crane makes breezy clothes.

Alex Crane makes breezy clothes. We choose fabrics, colors and fits that make us feel cool and light. 

Breeze is a spirit - it’s a reminder to jump in the ocean and watch the clouds and hum a tune. Because life is worth enjoying (even when it’s sad or painful or boring). And, for better or worse, clothes have a big impact on how we feel. 

That spirit extends to our production practices as well - we know we’re only as breezy as our supply chain. We’re committed to making products that are good for the earth and the people involved. We’re not perfect, but we’ll get there.


Alex Crane started on Feb 6th, 2016

According to the State of New York, Alex Crane started on Feb 6th, 2016.

But we’d say Alex Crane started on a sand dune. Alex was listening to the waves, drawing, and sketched a diamond around his name. We call that the beginning. Or maybe it started much earlier, like when he inherited a sewing machine from his grandma. Or maybe in Bolinas. Or at the Rhode Island School of Design. Or maybe at Jack Spade. 

Here’s what’s certain: In 2016, Alex made samples and went to a trade show in Manhattan. And then, thanks to the internet and some truly amazing folks, we started to grow.


Alex Crane makes breezy clothes.

Alex Crane makes breezy clothes. We choose fabrics, colors and fits that make us feel cool and light. 

Breeze is a spirit - it’s a reminder to jump in the ocean and watch the clouds and hum a tune. Because life is worth enjoying (even when it’s sad or painful or boring). And, for better or worse, clothes have a big impact on how we feel. 

That spirit extends to our production practices as well - we know we’re only as breezy as our supply chain. We’re committed to making products that are good for the earth and the people involved. We’re not perfect, but we’ll get there.


Alex Crane started on Feb 6th, 2016

According to the State of New York, Alex Crane started on Feb 6th, 2016.

But we’d say Alex Crane started on a sand dune. Alex was listening to the waves, drawing, and sketched a diamond around his name. We call that the beginning. Or maybe it started much earlier, like when he inherited a sewing machine from his grandma. Or maybe in Bolinas. Or at the Rhode Island School of Design. Or maybe at Jack Spade. 

Here’s what’s certain: In 2016, Alex made samples and went to a trade show in Manhattan. And then, thanks to the internet and some truly amazing folks, we started to grow.